Leave the job of finding quality workers to us

Sunrise Jobs allows companies to quickly find and hire foreign workers from Nepal, Philippines, India, Malaysia as new team members!

Our services

What are we doing?

For our clients, we manage the entire human resources process, from recruitment and employment in the EU, to obtaining the necessary documentation, work permits and visas to employ foreign workers from Nepal, Philippines, India, Malaysia. The services we provide are:


Selection and employment of quality workers from other countries brings many challenges. Our mediation service in hiring foreign workers also means taking full care of administration and logistics.

Assignment workers

Assigning workers is an ideal option when you need support in a short period of time in order to deliver the required tasks in a quality manner. In doing so, an employment contract is signed with the employee.


We provide our clients with an additional professional guidance service with the aim of lifelong learning. We find a solution that is individually tailored for each client, depending on his needs.                     

Who are we?

We, Sunrise Jobs International, are a specialized agency for mediation in employment and assignment of foreign workers. The challenges in finding a workforce are growing in many industries, as well as the scope of work that needs to be done well. There is a solution, but employers often do not have enough capacity to dedicate themselves to the process of finding workers, especially when it comes to finding quality foreign workers.
Our service of providing a coordinated solution for the selection and application of employees, as well as legal, operational and tax expertise before and during the employment relationship facilitates the business of our clients. Easy and fast business deals without losing talent and providing both employees and clients with legal protection.

More about us

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"Naše iskustvo sa Sunrise Jobs je apsolutno za svaku pohvalu! Zbog očekivanja pada sezone 2020 u počecima širenja corona virusa zaposlili smo duplo manji broj ljudi od naših standardnih potreba, ispostavilo se da smo se našli smo se u ciku sezone bez radnika! Sunrise Jobs je uskočio iznimno brzo i spasio nam sezonu i zaradu, odradili smo je zapravo bolje nego ikad."
"Kako se približavala turistička sezona, zbog nedostatka radnika naše poslovanje je bilo ozbiljno ugroženo s obzirom da smo hotelijer i ugostitelj te smo bili panično u potrazi za radnicima koji razumiju turizam. Kako je sve teže radnu snagu naći i u susjednim zemljama, spas je došao ni više ni manje nego s Filipina. Zapravo bilo je pravo čudo koliko je radna snaga s Filipina, kod nas se radilo o dva kuhara i šest sobarica, dobro odradila svoj posao, nismo imali čak ni problema u komunikaciji. Hvala Sunrise Jobs na pomoći i pronalaženju kvalitetnog tima koji je bio jako vrijedan i koji će i ovu sezonu ostati s nama!“ "
"Sve pohvale Sunrise Jobs timu, pogotovo Saši! Odlična komunikacija, korektne cijene i profesionalna usluga. Tim iz Nepala nas je ugodno iznenadio svojom poniznošću, marljivošću i toplinom.“
"Odaziv Sunrise Jobs tima je nevjerojatan. Kad god se pojave problemi, sve vrlo brzo rješavaju. Posebno mi se svidjelo kako su „glatko“ uključili nove zaposlenike, bez obzira na zemlju."